Tuesday 11 April 2017

Excel - Microsoft Excel Asin Function


The Excel ASIN function calculates the arcsine (ie. the inverse sine) of a given number, and returns an angle, in radians, between -p/2 and p/2. 

The syntax of the function is : 

ASIN( number ) 

Where the number argument is the value, between -1 and +1, for which you want to calculate the arcsine. 

Converting from Radians to Degrees 

If you want the angle returned by the Asin function to be expressed in degrees, you can convert it, using the Excel Degrees function: 

=DEGREES( radians

An example of this is given below. 

Excel Asin Function Examples
Column A of the spreadsheet below, shows examples of the Excel Asin Function, used to calculate the arcsine of different values. In the example in cell A4, the result is converted from radians, into degrees. 

The formulas are shown in the spreadsheet on the left and the results are shown in the spreadsheet on the right. 

Excel Asin Function Common Error
If you get an error from the Excel Asin Function, this is likely to be the #NUM! error: 

Common Error 

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